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Get the Most Accurate Hormone Levels Inspection

Hormone Levels Tests in Our State-of-the-Art Labs Help to Get Insights About Your Health Condition

Why Are Hormone Tests So Important

Hormones are almost invisible, and we cannot say whether our bodies produce them tip-top without special examination methods. These methods include special tests which provide accurate and timely results on our current hormonal levels. When hormone levels drop or there is extra production of them, these health issues may lead to poor well-being and an increase in the severity of multiple symptoms which are characteristic of hormonal imbalance.

The Main Factors Which Provoke Hormonal Imbalance

There are multiple reasons why the production of hormones in the body goes wrong. Typically, hormonal production fluctuates in different life periods. It is growing when we come into adolescence and stays at its peak in our prime, and with age, hormonal production tends to slow down. Besides, there are other reasons for hormonal imbalance manifestation which are different diseases, bad habits, and unhealthy lifestyles.

What Hormonal Tests Are Available in Our Labs

Today, there are two main types of hormonal tests available in our labs. Typically, these are saliva and blood tests. Both of them provide results of the concentration of hormones in saliva and blood, consequently. As for their effectiveness, blood tests provide more accurate results while saliva tests are more affordable and accessible.

How Are Tests to Indicate Hormonal Levels Are Held

To get accurate results, a patient has to maintain several preparations for testing.

  • For saliva tests, it is crucial to abstain from meals and drinks except water.
  • For blood tests, it is important to abstain from the intake of medicines.
  • Sometimes, to get accurate results, tests should be made multiple times to measure hormonal levels in dynamics.

Which Accuracy of Results to Expect

In our clinic’s labs, we use top-notch equipment to analyze and detect accurately hormonal levels using saliva and blood tests both. You should understand that the process of test analysis can take a couple of weeks. Thus, it is better not to wait long if you notice some doubtful symptoms and to provide early detection of hormonal imbalance.

Which Accuracy of Results to Expect

What Symptoms to Consider Crucial for Hormonal Imbalance

As usual, hormonal imbalances are accompanied by multiple symptoms. You should get alarmed if you feel constantly fatigued, and experience regular mood swings, weight fluctuations, bad sleep, or depression symptoms.

Treatment Options for Hormonal Deficit

There are multiple methods for hormonal deficit treatment. The selection of the therapy type depends on several reasons:

  • Which hormone lacks in the body,
  • Age and gender of the patient specifics,
  • The severity of hormonal deficit detected by tests.

A doctor evaluates all these reasons and considers which treatment will be the most effective. Sometimes, it is enough to change the lifestyle to correct hormonal levels, while in more advanced cases the methods of HRT will be effective. The decision should be made by a licensed doctor who is certified to provide hormonal replacement therapy methods.

How to Help the Body to Return to Well-Being Along With HRT

As we’ve mentioned, changes in lifestyle are often a key to success in maintaining hormonal balance. That includes the rejection of bad habits, healthy sleep, some kind of diet, and regular physical training.

Which Risks to Consider When Making Hormonal Tests

As usual, when you pass hormone levels tests in special labs, there are fewer risks. But still, you should be aware that the possibility of false results or incorrect measurements exists in the following cases:

  • Improper sample collection;
  • Improper transportation or storage of samples;
  • Blood clots;
  • The breach of special requirements before testing (i.e., ingestion of meals before taking saliva samples).

You can mitigate these risks if you trust taking tests to reliable labs in our clinic.


Passing tests to indicate accurate hormonal levels is a must for patients who suspect they have hormonal imbalances. There are several types of tests available for hormonal level detection. They vary in their validity and affordability, and it is up to your doctor to select the most effective type of test for correct diagnostics of hormonal imbalance.

Do not hesitate! Your well-being depends on your consciousness. Get tested for hormones and apply for timely HRT if needed. This saves you time and keeps you afloat!

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